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“Where your Imagination ends, my Magic starts.” — Flint Huiskes

The Origin Of A New Legend

Born in the Netherlands and raised in Bad Bentheim, Germany, Flint Huiskes didn’t get his first taste of magic until later in life. The young and upcoming magician developed a passion for magic while traveling extensively around most of the United States and Europe, experiencing live magic shows firsthand. “I fell in love with the art of performing magic from watching some of the best magicians in the world.”


He later attended several live magic performances in Las Vegas, namely Criss Angel and Hans Klok, and was largely inspired by them. He was even chosen to be a stage assistant to Hans Klok while he was there - fully cementing his love of magic and the energy he got from the crowd. “Magic is an exceptional art form, one that unites the audience in wonder, joy, laughter, and fun.”

The Start Of The Most Honest Profession

Flint’s magic career began almost immediately after returning from the states. He enrolled in the Düsseldorf magic school in 2020 and studied audience management, as well as advanced card, coin, and mentalism magic. He still returns to the school monthly to continue his education and broaden his expertise in performance magic.


His knowledge of the history of magic and its greatest performers is unrivaled and has earned him praise and recognition from other magicians, alongside his storytelling and technical performance. He often uses his knowledge to craft intriguing performances where he effortlessly weaves routines based on the amazing S.W. Erdnase with his own style, to create a one-of-akind magic show.


Flint also conducts magic workshops of his own, to enthrall and inspire fellow magic enthusiasts, while sharing his immense knowledge about the trade and its history.



In 2022 Flint competed for prizes at the national youth championships in Germany and the Netherlands. Flint won an award at both championships with his own magic routine. This routine now has a permanent place in his theatrical repertoire.

“Magic is an exceptional art form that unites wonders, joy, laughter and fun. ” — Flint Huiskes

First A Gasp — Then Applause

Flint describes himself as a technical perfectionist and began performing in 2020, as soon as he had the tools. He has mostly done shows for local establishments and a talent show called Bardel Got Talent, where he was the best Magic Performance. His performances regularly include sleight of hand magic and are themed and customized to the preference and scenery of the venue - often with improvisation and classic tricks from famous magicians peppered in along the way. Flint employs the use of props such as coins, cards, rings, cups and balls, as well as ESP cards in his magic productions, but also enjoys engaging in mentalism tricks such as predictions to wow an attentive crowd.


He takes pleasure in having direct contact with his audience, often asking them to participate in his performances by selecting or predicting things as well as holding props. “It’s the direct feedback from the audience, the rush, and tension of fooling someone up close - you can’t hide things like that on stage.” Flint enjoys street magic for that same reason, often approaching random passersby and asking if he can show them something remarkable. As active participants, audience members are often stunned and mesmerized by Flint’s performance.

Magic Begins Where Imagination Ends

Flint desires to become a great all-around performance artist and to produce magic shows everywhere around the world. He has made it his mission to perform as often as he can, in as many different settings and atmospheres as possible. He can work venues and events large and small, and performances can be customized based on what the venue and its audience prefer.

Artist - Illusionist - Magician

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